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Case Studies

奇美食品幸福工廠 – 智慧安全監控與精準行銷輔助


  • AI智能安全監控


  • 助力精準行銷與提升整體服務品質




本案客戶為新加坡政府資料中心 (data center),專案中採用了本公司的Janus技術,結合多因子身分認證系統,包括藍牙低功耗電子識別證 (thing you have)、個人密碼 (thing you know) 以及人臉識別技術,為資料中心提供高度安全防護。





TCIT與高通公司攜手於世界資訊科技大會 (WCIT) 展出未來物聯網應用

2017年,TCIT利用高通的無線通訊技術,與鴻沛電子、佐臻股份有限公司及奇卓科技共同參展,展示了四大領先的物聯網應用,包括:「先進人員與物品識別及追蹤:Smart Airport航班準時起飛智能系統」、「智慧能源」、「智慧眼鏡」及「智慧監控虛擬實境攝影機」。此展示有助於台灣廠商在未來物聯網市場中搶得先機。

本公司董事長邵治安表示:「TCIT擅長影像分析與智慧辨識技術,我們期望透過生物辨識技術與雲端運算的整合,推動物聯網各項應用的發展。本次與系統整合商至上科技及高通的合作,透過高通CSR無線藍牙晶片技術,展示以機場為主題的情境應用,利用信號晶片 (Beacon) 建立個人定位追蹤與臉部辨識系統,有效協助航空公司減少因旅客滯留導致航班延誤的情況,顯著降低時間成本並提升機場管理效率。」

高通公司邀請本公司參與東南亞國家未來物聯網應用Road Show

2017年,本公司應高通公司之邀,前往東南亞多國展示最新的物聯網技術,展示內容涵蓋如何解決交通、製造業、生活等多領域的科技應用。本公司技術團隊參與了多項實證 (POC) 項目,包括:

  • 新加坡CWT-Smart Lock智慧鎖系統
  • 馬來西亞YTL-Smart Hospital智慧醫院
  • 馬來西亞YTL-Food Delivery Tracking食品配送追蹤系統
  • 印度Reliance-Person & Pallet Tracking人員與貨盤追蹤系統
  • 華航及長榮航空Smart Airport-Ontime Departure準時起飛智慧機場系統

此次Road Show展示了本公司如何運用物聯網技術來提升各行業的運營效率,並強化其智能化管理能力。



  • 核心機房及異地備援
  • 藍牙雙向感知網路及LoRa長距物聯網技術
  • 數位影音整合服務平台及相關應用
  • 安全監控管理平台及相關應用
  • 物聯網管理平台及相關應用
  • 機場機器人應用


Hon Hai Welcome VIP and Advertising Viewing Measurement

In addition to facial recognition being an indispensable function for smart analysis of surveillance images, membership and VIP management, which are increasingly valued in the retail market, have also begun to introduce facial recognition. Hon Hai Group's Huyue Factory uses TCIT Media products as an important technology display item when VIPs visit. The system is installed on the advertising screen in the elevator. When an important guest is recognized, the system will convert the screen content originally broadcast into a welcome screen to create surprises and express respect for the distinguished guest. When advertisements are played, the system will identify and collect the viewer's gender and age information, viewing time, etc., in order to understand and analyze the effectiveness of the advertisement.

Analysis of Taiwan Star 101 flagship and most popular products

The Taiwan Star 101 flagship store opened at the end of 2014, setting a precedent in the entrepreneurial world by adopting multiple identification and digital solutions. The most eye-catching product display area in the store consists of 12 screens with avant-garde and beautiful designs. There are 12 latest mobile phone and tablet displays on the circular table. A Web Camera is installed behind each product to detect the use of each display. Consumer’s gender, age and usage time. The detection results can be used to analyze which new products are most popular among consumers, product popularity, preferences of consumers of different ages and genders, etc.

Analysis of customers visiting Ruichang Pharmacy

Ruichang Pharmacy is a chain pharmacy located in central Taiwan. The operator attaches great importance to the quality of service, so it has installed TCIT Media and TCIT Match products in the store as applications for visitor analysis and VIP customer identification.
At the entrance, IP cameras are used to identify and collect gender and age information of customers entering the store, and TCIT Match is used behind the checkout counter to help store staff instantly identify regular customers and VIP customers. The results obtained from the identification will be concentrated into the back-end reporting system and presented in the form of charts, allowing operators to grasp the operating status of the store at any time using computers, mobile devices, etc., no matter where they are.


Advantech, a global leader in industrial computers, has been actively entering the retail market in recent years and has launched a number of smart solutions, including monitoring, digital signage, retail analysis platforms, and more. In terms of intelligent video surveillance solutions, Advantech uses TCIT Media's feature recognition (gender and age statistics) to enable retail users to clearly understand consumer demographics. After the surveillance system is introduced with IVA (Intelligent Video Analytics), Advantech's products bring customers Come to a whole new value.

VIA Electronics

VIA's Video Wall and digital electronic signage products often appear in major shopping malls and stores, and have a very high exposure whether it is advertising support, product display, or marketing media applications. After these screens are equipped with TCIT Media's recognition function, users can fully understand the viewing status of the content, including the gender and age of the audience, as well as the viewing time, dwell time, and even the amount of exposure. For shopping malls and retailers, these statistics and analyzes help them calculate ROI for each screen and understand the passenger flow, customer layer and movement of each area.


BURTON is a world-renowned ski brand and has a store in Taipei East District. The owner hopes to use TCIT Media to count the number of customers visiting the store during each period and conduct promotional activities based on target customers. BURTON installed a Web Camera at the entrance of the store, using TCIT Media software to detect and identify the number of people entering the store, as well as the gender and age of customers. In addition, TCIT Media provides a face recognition function to help owners create profiles for store employees, with the purpose of preventing store employees from being repeatedly recorded and counted as customer flow.

Bourne Optics

Bourne Optics is a partner of a world-renowned mobile phone brand. The beautiful office has a total of 3 entrances equipped with TCIT facial recognition access control systems. The advantages of face recognition access control are that you don’t need to carry a card with you, it prevents the card from being punched in or lost, it is non-contact (hygienic and safe), and it can leave an image record of every entry and exit. At the same time, facial recognition is a very popular emerging technology in recent years. For owners, using facial recognition access control is of great value to improve the corporate image of technology companies.