FocusAI 考勤解決方案:打造高效智能的考勤管理
在現代企業中,準確、高效的考勤管理是提升生產力與員工滿意度的關鍵。FocusAI 不僅專注於智能安全監控,更提供智能考勤解決方案,結合領先的邊緣 AI 技術與創新的 ChatGPT 功能,為您的企業帶來全新的智能考勤體驗。
Product Features
- 無縫辨識:採用高精度 AI 人臉辨識技術,即使在多樣光線條件或佩戴口罩的情況下,也能快速準確地辨識員工。
- 即時數據同步:考勤數據即時上傳雲端,免去傳統考勤設備的繁瑣維護,隨時隨地查看員工出勤狀況。
- 無接觸操作:全程無接觸辨識,為企業提供更安全、更衛生的管理方式,特別適合後疫情時代。
- 一鍵生成報表:輕鬆一鍵生成人員考勤紀錄,快速匯出 Excel 或 PDF 格式,提升效率。
- 自然語言查詢:利用 ChatGPT 功能,只需輸入簡單的自然語言即可查詢特定員工或團隊的考勤紀錄,操作直覺便利。
- 多功能整合:支援多場景應用,無論是辦公室、工廠還是其他工作環境,皆可輕鬆實現考勤自動化。
為什麼選擇 FocusAI
- 效率提升:自動化流程減少人工操作,降低錯誤率,節省管理成本。
- 數據分析:內建智能分析功能,幫助企業深入洞察考勤趨勢,優化人力資源配置。
- 簡單部署:免 NVR 或 IVS,安裝即用,適合任何規模的企業。
- 高度安全性:數據加密保護,確保敏感信息不外洩。
- 企業辦公:自動記錄上下班時間,簡化打卡流程。
- 工廠作業:多班次、多地點管理,一站式解決考勤需求。
- 教育機構:管理教師與學生出勤情況,促進校園安全。
- 宿舍管理:記錄學生或員工的出入時間,提升宿舍安全與管理效率。
Access Control
Face recognition as an achievement of personal identity verification is gaining more and more attention and recognition! Most companies used to use "card swiping" or "fingerprint recognition" to record employees' attendance and control access, but there are endless problems with punch cards and fingerprint recognition (hands are dry and peeling in winter, natural fingerprints are shallow, contact hygiene issues...) , forgetting to bring the card, etc., causing trouble to the company. In response to market demand, TCIT launched the Embedded access control system and the world's first face recognition + Beacon dual-factor access control system, which not only solves the problems of attendance and access control management, but also further creates an overall solution for smart area personnel tracking and monitoring for customers.
Dual-factor access control management case application
There are often hundreds or thousands of employees in a factory. For managers, ensuring that the right people come in and out at the right time and at the right place is a very difficult task! TCIT Facelock & TCIT IDTRAK integrates face recognition technology and solves the problem of punching in on behalf of others through a two-factor authentication mode, making personal identity verification faster! The accuracy is even better! At the same time, by grasping the information on the number of personnel in each area, managers can more effectively operate the factory's various safety and monitoring mechanisms, and respond and handle more quickly once danger or violations occur.
Source:The report “Physical Security Market by System (Access Control, IP Video Surveillance Software, Locks, PSIM, PID), Services (System Integration, Maintenance & Support, and Designing & Consulting), Vertical, and Region – Global Forecast to 2020″ by MarketsandMarkets; ABI Reasearch (2014)